Friday, May 16, 2008

Another new beginning.

I have missed having a website and I decided to see if I can keep one going again before I shell out the $ each month, or year to have another dot com. So, this is it, "mama letters" will be the temporary home of a weblog that I will move to a domain if I can keep it going, and have some readers and like doing this again.

Oh, this is me:

This will be a mixture of parenting talk. photos of my daughter and whatever the hell else I feel like talking about or linking to. sounds fun, eh? Except the difference here is that I've decided to stop NOT talking about things that may offend, or wondering if I am saying too much, or posting too often. These things no longer bother me. I figure you can just close the window if you get bored. That's what I'd do. That's what I do when I visit and then tell myself to stop b/c I don't like that site. heh.

Alright. I'm off to write an "about me" type page. Or rather, "about us" since Kaya is way more interesting than I am.


elizabeth (beth) said...

testing une deux trois

Erin @ Two More Seconds said...

lovin it lovin it lovin it! I, too, am testing the blogspot waters before shelling out for a .com. :) I'm right there with you, hon! Linkin' you up right now! :)